
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2018

My styles of Haircut

Hi guys, today I am talking about to my changes of hairstyle in my short life, well; I am beginning in my childhood with a long curly hair but I don't have pics, My mom was told me that She likes the long hair in men like Kurt Cobain or Axl rose. When I have around five years to the thirteen years old, I use my hair short, I try to use a classic man short hair and variation of a military haircut (influence of my dad), I don't like this haircut because I think that are so strict, When I look pics of my childhood I decide to try to have my hair long. I try with a different period of time, but the school always makes a bad critic because I break the manual of coexistence, but I found an argument hole in the manual, I don't remember exactly that it say, but maybe said "the men use the hair short in the neck part" and I was beginning to use long. In 2016 I start my objective, I use in the beginning of the year a total long hair, maybe but I think that this hair

A job I would like to have in the future

Hi, everyone today I will talk about to a job that I would like to have in the future. I will be a Professional Wrestler; I enjoy so much the matches of wrestling, my references in the business are Seth Rollins, Triple H and Luke Harper. I would like to do this job because I was practice wrestling in  the past and the experience is fantastic, is like to act but in live, the feeling of the pain and the coordination with your rivals for made a fantastic and dramatic fight. I enjoy so much the high-flyers movements like the dives and press, the rope jumps and the running moves. In Wrestling, you needed the passion for the business and resistance for the pain of the moves, is important to consider that the wrestling is an actuation but the impacts in the ring and the floor are reals, the basics strikes in the chest are real too. The reward of the wrestling is to make a fans happy or angry (depend of your character), in the business exist two bans; the heels (bad) and the faces (go

Environment for the humanity

Hi guys, today I talking about to "being green", I think that is so important because in the contemporary era the people doesn't have a knowledge about to take care with the earth, but I see that the kids take more cared than the adults. I see that the adult persons always throw the trash in the street when they eat things or throw dirty water on the plants. Ojos del Caburga, a beautyful environtment to see in the world  in this period, we needs clean the environments, make a few trash and solve the environmental burden. Also, the scientific development has a much solve of this things, for example I think that is so stupid the disuse of the plastic sacks and the promotion of the fabric sacks, I explain my idea; the Scientifics has made a plastic sacks that are 100% organic and consumable, in opposite of the fabric sack that the last one use much space and only are a reusable. The Schools actually has a plan with the ecology education, in my school, the students

Book: Cities For People

Hi guys, today I'll talk about a book of architecture, "Cities For People" of Jan Gehl.  The book is a type of guide or manifesto of  the architect Jan Gehl about to the cities. This book is so interesting because the book tell about the Human dimension and that the Cities scapes of this dimension, Gehl tell to good examples of the human cities and give the  tips or tools to make a human city. In detph, the book speaks about the uses of the space and how the current cities don't make a development of the public space, the city forget the importance of the human places for the residents, also; Gehl talk about the cities isn't cities because the structure of the modern cities is a superposition of the island builds, he explain that the builds needs to answer with the environment for created a real city. Gehl talk about that the vehicle has a most important rol than the human dimension, because the actual tendenses gone to minimize the rol of the human s