Environment for the humanity

Hi guys, today I talking about to "being green", I think that is so important because in the contemporary era the people doesn't have a knowledge about to take care with the earth, but I see that the kids take more cared than the adults. I see that the adult persons always throw the trash in the street when they eat things or throw dirty water on the plants.

Ojos del Caburga, a beautyful environtment to see in the world 
in this period, we needs clean the environments, make a few trash and solve the environmental burden. Also, the scientific development has a much solve of this things, for example I think that is so stupid the disuse of the plastic sacks and the promotion of the fabric sacks, I explain my idea; the Scientifics has made a plastic sacks that are 100% organic and consumable, in opposite of the fabric sack that the last one use much space and only are a reusable.

The Schools actually has a plan with the ecology education, in my school, the students have the possibility to give an ecology class in the week and in biology, in the government program the ecology and de environment has a theme.

I think that the animals need the careful of the humans, for example my turtle feel so sad when he see their aquatic familiars in problems hahaha is a joke but really needs take careful with the sea animals.

We needs to create a green plan in the society for the save the planet for the next generations, If you like much the mountains, the beach or the parks, take conscience.


  1. I liked the plan in your school, I think that all schools should have a plan, class or taller for recycle.

  2. You are right, we need to create a plan or something like that to preserve the beautiful landscapes that the earth give us

  3. It would be interesting to see how much is the price of these bags. They are not plastic, though


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