My styles of Haircut

Hi guys, today I am talking about to my changes of hairstyle in my short life, well; I am beginning in my childhood with a long curly hair but I don't have pics, My mom was told me that She likes the long hair in men like Kurt Cobain or Axl rose.

When I have around five years to the thirteen years old, I use my hair short, I try to use a classic man short hair and variation of a military haircut (influence of my dad), I don't like this haircut because I think that are so strict, When I look pics of my childhood I decide to try to have my hair long.

I try with a different period of time, but the school always makes a bad critic because I break the manual of coexistence, but I found an argument hole in the manual, I don't remember exactly that it say, but maybe said "the men use the hair short in the neck part" and I was beginning to use long.

In 2016 I start my objective, I use in the beginning of the year a total long hair, maybe but I think that this hair is so disordered. In the middle year I use a version of gel with curls, but I leave this method because the gel hurt my hair. When I start 2017 I use the same version, but without gel, but my hair beginning to stay so long and I use a ponytail for the formality in the school.

The end of 2017 I have a real long hair and now I considered to beginning start the growth of my hair on my neck, I really don't have an idea to how much time I use the hair long but I stay open to offers although I probably donated my hair for the kids.



  1. I think that your hair´s story is very interesting!

  2. Your current style is like Maui in the movie "Moana". But I like it Hahahaha

  3. the next one will be in colors i think (or with accesories)

  4. pass by leo Rey, freddy turbina, maui from moana, kevin jonas, john snow, david bisbal and "adrian y los dados negros" but with respect, your hair is great and with personality.


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