Createst Chilean: Nicanor Parra

Hi, people today I'll talk about to Nicanor Parra, the antipoet.

Parra is the older Brother of the Parra Family; He was a Physicist teacher of the University of Chile. Nicanor make important because he break the contemporary statements of the Poesy around the World, Nicanor created the concept of the "antipoesy", consist in the use of the common languages of the poor people and the irony and joke, also usually do not use the structure of the poem and convert the ugly things in poem.
Nicanor make some things with the “artefacts” like “the insect of Edison”, in the start of the poesy Nicanor Parra make the classic form to the poems, also in 1969 he awarded the National Literature Prize among other recognitions.  To the acknowledgments and tributes that he has obtained in Chile, Iberoamerican Poetry Prize Pablo Neruda (2012), important international distinctions have been added, among which the Juan Rulfo Prize in 1991, the Reina Sofia in 2001 and, in 2011, the Cervantes Prize, highest award of literature in the Spanish language.
I think that Nicanor support the people to the do not be so serious in the life, I have much questions with he but for his personality I not sure that Nicanor Talk with me, Ok… My Questions are:
Why you created the Antipoesy? What is the most important thing in the literature? You can defining me if I said my ten favourite’s world in Spanish?


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